On the operations of the vessel with the Panamanian flag "AQUARIUS 2", registered on 21 August 2018 under the "Special Charter Register", the Panamanian State giving the follow-up to the same, taking into account its humanitarian, legal and technical implications, recognizing that it is an obligation for vessels with the Panamanian flag to provide assistance to all persons who are in danger of disappearing at sea, in strict compliance with the Convention on the Law of the Sea, of which the Republic of Panama is a signatory.

As the Panamanian State will always ensure the protection of all human beings whose life or freedom is in danger, therefore acts in the strict compliance with its obligations under the international law, it also respectful to the migratory legislation of others States and their procedures, as well as the delimited search and rescue zones, of which the contiguous countries of the Mediterranean Sea are responsible.

Result to this, it is reported that the Panamanian Maritime Authorities did not designate the vessel "AQUARIUS 2" as the rescue unit of the Panamanian State, nor does it have the authority to delegate or authorize the private vessel to engage in maritime search and rescue (SAR) activities, in repetitive or habitual way. Hence, in accordance with the Law No. 57 of August 6, 2008, it constitutes the cause of cancellation of the ship registry "the execution of the acts that affect the national interests", authorizing the General Directorate of Merchant Marine of the Panama Maritime Authority to proceed accordingly.

In consequence of the above, and being a country that promotes safe, organized and regular migration, we recognize and protect the human rights of migrants and in particular the right to life, without which other human rights lose their relevance, for this reason the Panamanian state will make the necessary diplomatic efforts so the migrants, who currently are on board of the "AQUARIUS 2"vessel, reach a secure port where their life and integrity are not in danger, before the cancellation process of the registry initiated by the Maritime Authority of Panama is concluded.